The academic integrity policy usually specifies the university’s ethical principles and values, forms of honest and dishonest academic behaviour, penalties for academic malpractice and procedures for handling violations of academic integrity. However, the policy itself does not fulfil the necessity to bring into life and support the academic integrity. The policy should be consistently and effectively applied and implemented. The paper presents a case study that was carried out with the aim of investigating to which extent the policy defined by Riga Technical University (Latvia) is put into practice in informing and educating students on academic integrity. The quantitative research was performed by surveying two groups of respondents: domestic students of the 1st year bachelor studies and directors of corresponding study programs. It allowed revealing if there is a gap between the university policy on academic integrity and its implementation practice in the study process and addressed also a question if student awareness of the university policy on academic integrity correlates with students’ tolerance and perceiving of academic integrity as an important aspect for the academic community and student future life. The findings of the research make a foundation for a wider discussion of academic integrity issues in Latvia. They can also serve as an impulse for similar studies in other Latvian universities and especially research taking an international comparative perspective.