Housing Policy in Latvia
Scientific Problems of Engineering Economics of Construction and Real Estate Management, Regional and Territorial Development (ICEREE’2021): Book of Abstracts 2021
Iveta Amoliņa, Ineta Geipele

In the concept of housing policy development, the processes of sustainable preservation of residential buildings can be treated in two ways: development based on local resources and conditions, or purposefully managed development determined by a purposeful state and municipal regional development policy. Such classification is based on the housing policy development mechanisms or driving forces systematization. Various approaches can be used to achieve the set housing policy goals: tactical development, which is aimed at achieving short-term positive effects (often for political purposes), and strategic development, which envisages achieving long-term positive effects in the socio-economic field. In Latvia, housing policy is closely related to general sectoral policies, the wellbeing of the population, as well as the reduction of social exclusion, characterizing the development of the country. Housing policy in Latvia is developed in three stages: renovation of the housing stock, paying special attention to energyefficiency, development of the social housing stock and construction of new housing. State housing policy was last defined in 1996, when the Housing Policy Concept was issued. It should be noted that since 1996, the housing sector has developed rapidly, there has been a period of economic downturn, which also affected the development of housing, as well as the historical political document has lost its relevance. There is currently no topical political document formulating housing policy in Latvia, its goals, development directions and action measures to achieve them, despite extensive discussions at the state and local government level and in society, including various support programs used for housing development and improvement of the technical condition.

housing policy, housing stock, residential building, sustainable conservation, sustainable development

Amoliņa, I., Geipele, I. Housing Policy in Latvia. In: Scientific Problems of Engineering Economics of Construction and Real Estate Management, Regional and Territorial Development (ICEREE’2021): Book of Abstracts, Latvia, Riga, 30-30 October, 2021. Riga: RTU Press, 2021, pp.52-52. ISBN 978-9934-22-677-9.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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