Real-Time Physical Cybersecurity Massive Open Online Course
Bahaa Eltahawy, Mike Mekkanen, Tero Vartiainen, Maria Valliou, Panos Kotsampopoulos, Alexandros Chronis, Jānis Pekša, Jana Bikovska, Andrejs Romānovs, Rūta Pirta, Jirapa Kamsamrong, Bjoern Siemers

In brief, this report builds on the results of previous reports of Cybersecurity Curricula Recommendations in Smart Grids (CC-RSG) project, to provide a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for real-time physical cybersecurity systems. The course aims at filling the found gaps in Cyber-physical Systems (CPS), as well as building skills aroundreal-time simulationsystems that are used for high-speed simulations, testingof Critical Infrastructure (CI), and evaluating security operations and functions. To design this course, different approaches have been investigated and tested, thusto findthe most suitable methods thatservethe purpose of creating the course andfillingthe skillgaps that were highlighted.Accordingly, this course makes use of the following approaches: Flipped learning, Simulations, and Virtual and remote labs.These approaches were carefully chosen based on their capabilities for providing means for interaction, building analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as promoting hands-on skills.

Cybersecurity, Smart Grids, MOOC

Eltahawy, B., Mekkanen, M., Vartiainen, T., Valliou, M., Kotsampopoulos, P., Chronis, A., Pekša, J., Bikovska, J., Romānovs, A., Pirta-Dreimane, R., Kamsamrong, J., Siemers, B. Real-Time Physical Cybersecurity Massive Open Online Course. Vaasa: 2023. 139 p.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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