Teachers’ Readiness for Remote Learning During 2020–2021 Pandemic
Evija Mirķe

07.09.2023. 12:00, Liepājas Universitātē, Liepājā, Lielajā ielā 14, 227. telpā

Atis Kapenieks, Sarma Cakula

Svetlana Ušča, Pāvels Jurs, Ginta Majore

The aim of the thesis is to describe the readiness of Latvian comprehensive school teachers to organise remote pedagogical work during the 2020-2021 pandemic, to identify differences in various subject areas, as well as to develop a remote pedagogical work learning curve model in emergency situations for the improvement of professional and continuing education. The thesis consists of an introduction, five chapters, conclusions, theses, bibliography and 43 appendices. The main body of the thesis is 187 pages, it contains 29 figures and 49 tables. The bibliographical list contains 334 titles of information sources. The first chapter of the thesis describes the impact of global change processes and technologies on education and teachers' professional development and lifelong education, as well as describes emergeny remote teaching. The second chapter describes the teacher's professional competence as a prerequisite for the organization of pedagogical work during remote learning, and examines the factors influencing teachers' readiness for emergency remote teaching. The third chapter describes the learning curves and their mathematical models, lists the factors influencing learning curves. The fourth chapter describes the results of an empirical study on teachers' digital literacy and of a study on teachers' readiness for distance learning during the pandemic conducted by the author. In the fifth chapter, the author describes an innovative method – a learning curve model and metrics for assessing the development of teachers’ pedagogical organization skills for distance learning in an emergency situation.

apguves līkne, attālinātas mācības, gatavība attālinātām mācībām, pedagoģiskā darba organizēšana, profesionālā pilnveide un tālākizglītība, skolotāja profesionālā kompetence

Mirķe, Evija. Teachers’ Readiness for Remote Learning During 2020–2021 Pandemic. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2023. 289 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196