Enhancing Smart Grid Resilience: An Educational Approach to Smart Grid Cybersecurity Skill Gap Mitigation
Energies 2024
Rūta Pirta, Andrejs Romānovs, Jana Bikovska, Jānis Pekša, Tero Vartiainen, Maria Valliou, Jirapa Kamsamrong, Bahaa Eltahawy

Cybersecurity competencies are critical in the smart grid ecosystem, considering its growing complexity and expanding utilization. The smart grid environment integrates different sensors, control systems, and communication networks, thus augmenting the potential attack vectors for cyber criminals. Therefore, interdisciplinary competencies are required from smart grid cybersecurity specialists. In the meantime, there is a lack of competence models that define the required skills, considering smart grid job profiles and the technological landscape. This paper aims to investigate the skill gaps and trends in smart grid cybersecurity and propose an educational approach to mitigate these gaps. The educational approach aims to provide guidance for competence-driven cybersecurity education programs for the design, execution, and evaluation of smart grids.

smart grid cybersecurity; cybersecurity education; cybersecurity skill gaps; educational approach

Pirta-Dreimane, R., Romānovs, A., Bikovska, J., Pekša, J., Vartiainen, T., Valliou, M., Kamsamrong, J., Eltahawy, B. Enhancing Smart Grid Resilience: An Educational Approach to Smart Grid Cybersecurity Skill Gap Mitigation. Energies, 2024, Vol. 17/8, No. 1876, pp.1-24. ISSN 1996-1073. e-ISSN 1996-1073. Available from: doi:10.3390/en17081876

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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