Influence of the Electric Field on the Swirling Flame Formation
M. Zaķe, Daniels Turlajs, I. Barmina, G. Šteins

Experimental study of the electric field effect on the fuel combustion and on the formation of the swirling flame is carried out under the conditions of the non-premixed staged combustion, developing downstream the free swirling flame and flame channel flow. It is observed that the swirling flame shape is greatly influenced by the rate of fuel and air swirl mixing rate and recirculation of the products. Typically, the non-premixed staged combustion leads to the formation of the fuel-rich flame core, surrounded by the annular reaction zone. The results show that the electric field produces the variation of the recirculation of the products with direct impact on the flame shape and length, fuel pyrolysis and combustion processes, temperature and composition of the flame, processes of soot formation and fuel decarbonization.

virpuļveida degšana, kvēpu veidošanās, dekarbonizācija

Zaķe, M., Turlajs, D., Barmina, I., Šteins, G. Influence of the Electric Field on the Swirling Flame Formation. Heat & Power and Thermal Physics. Vol.21, 2006, pp.94-101. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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