Prognosis Elaboration on Energy and Energy Resources Production and Consumption in Latvia with the Help of Programming Method Mesap
Sergejs Vostrikovs, Daniels Turlajs, Antra Kundziņa, Ēriks Geriņš

Basic principles for the perspective fuel and energy balance are not defined. They should actually derive from the basic objective of national energy development. In order to develop different energy and fuel production and consumption scenarios in Latvia and to compare them, MESAP programme was used. Sufficiently detailed data characterising energy supply system needed to be collected and analysed. Such data as energy and fuel consumption and their structure significantly differ among regions, therefore the data need to be region-specific. Summarised fuel and energy balances do not provide a sufficiently detailed overview. The possibilities of using of planning model MESAP for mining the scripts on effecting, obtaining and consumption on energy and energy resources in Latvia are described.

enerģētika, kurināmais, modelēšana, prognozes

Vostrikovs, S., Turlajs, D., Kundziņa, A., Geriņš, Ē. Prognosis Elaboration on Energy and Energy Resources Production and Consumption in Latvia with the Help of Programming Method Mesap. Heat & Power and Thermal Physics. Vol.21, 2006, pp.119-126. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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