Transient Process Relaxation Time Research under the Condition of Self-Similar Traffic Input in Wireless Networks
Автоматика и вычислительная техника 2009
Romans Jerjomins, Ernests Pētersons

In the article, the results of measuring the traffic in wireless networks are presented. The results provide evidence of the traffic being notably self-similar. The two following models were developed in order to estimate the parameters of a wireless network operating along with the input traffic being self-similar: a model for systems with no restrictions on the quantity of the orders in the system lines and a model for systems with limited buffer volumes. The two types of incoming traffic that each system was simulated for were the Poisson and self-similar traffic. The main objective of the article is to figure out the relaxation time and dependences of the relaxation time and loss probability on different parameters of the simulated systems.

беспроводные сети, переходные процессы, самоподобный трафик, распределение Парето, коэффициент Херста, имитационное моделирование, время релаксации.

Jerjomins, R., Pētersons, E. Transient Process Relaxation Time Research under the Condition of Self-Similar Traffic Input in Wireless Networks. Автоматика и вычислительная техника, 2009, N 3, pp.36-46. ISSN 0132-4160.

Publication language
Russian (ru)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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