Socially Responsible Marketing: Theory and Praxis
Ieva Andersone, Elīna Gaile-Sarkane, Daira Aramina

The concept „socially responsible marketing” is widely used and sometimes it is hard to comprehend is it just a modern approach towards attracting the attention of the consumers or is it a true necessity dictated by the market. Social marketing encourages us to use our skills and insights as marketers to progress social good. Socially responsible marketing is a marketing philosophy that states that a company should take into consideration what is in the best interests of the society at present and in long term. It is obvious that there are two concepts – social marketing and socially responsible marketing, though, both these concepts are directed towards improvement of social environment, however, it is not one and the same. Though, what concerns social marketing, the talk is about social responsibility what causes ambiguity with regard interpretation of the term social marketing what is understood in two ways: A. In combination with the term corporate social responsibility (CSR). B. The perception of the second concept is drawn towards social conception. With the term „social” understood are ethics, public values and humanity (holistic marketing). Hereby it may be concluded that in case A (securing of socially responsible processes) social marketing more concerns the non profit segment and takes place more at national scale. The commercial advertisement encourages take certain actions mainly due to selfish reasons. Social advertisement encourages act due to unselfish reasons, and this is the spot where the conflict arises. Thereby a conflict emerges both within the consciousness of the consumer and also within the total marketing process. The criteria for implementation of socially responsible marketing are: • Long-term process ; • Regular (cyclic); • Results have to be measurable; • Are to be beneficial for the society. The conclusion may be drawn that social and value campaigns dominate. Thereby the authoress dares to make the assumption that the next groups that could develop in Latvia are action and cognitive campaigns. The results of the study provide only small insight in the problematic of the study and demonstrate the main directions that might be subject to in-depth study.

socially responsible marketing, social marketing, sustainable development

Andersone, I., Gaile-Sarkane, E., Aramina, D. Socially Responsible Marketing: Theory and Praxis. Economics and Business. Vol.20, 2010, pp.10-18. ISSN 1407-7337.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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