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Scientific Journals of RTU
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 6, No. 1
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 6, No. 1
10 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Adaptive Cautious Control of Stochastic Systems = Adaptīvā stohastisko sistēmu tālredzības vadība
Konstantīns Nečvals
Nikolajs Nečvals
Edgars Vasermanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Adaptive Models of Information Technologies for Identification of Non-Stationary Processes = Informācijas tehnoloģijas adaptīvie modeļi nestacionaritātes procesu identifikācijai
Genādijs Burovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Extended Ensemble Averaging Algorithm in Feedforward Neural Networks
Aleksandrs Glazs
Jurijs Šļamovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Computer Network and System Remote Management
Ivo Pekšēns
Valerijs Zagurskis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Analysis of the Energetic Process in the Second Order Parametric Systems
Jānis Avens-Aveniņš
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Finite Difference Models of Identification of Dynamic Processes = Galīgo diferenču identifikācijas modeļi dinamiskiem procesiem
Genādijs Burovs
Arnis Varslavs
Māris Buiķis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Variant of Determination of Target Function for Control of Biological Objects
Zigurds Markovičs
Egils Stalidzāns
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Obtaining of Images of Radioisotope Scan from the Initial Images of Two Projections
Aleksandrs Glazs
Andris Lubāns
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Variants of Computer Control for Systems Recovering
Zigurds Markovičs
Ieva Markoviča
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Intranet Structure for Higher Education Needs
Aigars Riekstiņš
Valerijs Zagurskis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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