Vat Photopolymerization of Nanocellulose-Reinforced Vegetable Oil-Based Resins: Synergy in Morphology and Functionalization
Maksims Jurinovs, Anda Gromova, Oskars Platnieks, Sergejs Beļuns, Līga Orlova, Reiner Dieden, Mariapaola Staropoli, Daniel F Schmidt, Sergejs Gaidukovs

List of materials and methods used and brief description of nanocellulose preparation; AFM and SEM images of neat and functionalized fillers; UV–VIS spectra of 3D-printed samples; FTIR spectra of uncured and cured resins; FTIR spectra peaks used for DBC% calculations, TGA weight loss and thermal stability curves, and thermal degradation parameter table of 3D-printed samples with brief analysis; table with glass transition temperatures of 3D-printed samples

Pieteikuma datums
Atslēgas vārdi
3D printing,Composites,Functionalization,Nanocellulose,Organic polymers
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