Application of the Problem of Optimal Location of Service Stations
Andrejs Kašurins

An actual problem of track and field arenas location on spatial space is considered. It is known a density function of serviced object location and a loss function. It is necessary to place the predefined number of stations, to minimize loss function (transport expenses). Application of the genetic algorithm to the problem of optimal spatial location of service stations is described. To evaluate algorithm efficiency, plan of the experiments is designed. Numerical experiments are performed. The considered numerical examples show its efficiency.

Atslēgas vārdi
service stations, spatial location, genetic algorithm

Kašurins, A. Application of the Problem of Optimal Location of Service Stations. Intelektuālas transporta sistēmas (no 2005.g.). Nr.34, 2011, 1.-7.lpp. ISSN 1407-8015.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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