Comparative Analysis of Hemp Fiber Grown in Year 2010th
Environment. Technology. Resources: Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference
Līga Freivalde-Jemeļjanova,
Silvija Kukle,
Vita Puplakse,
Brigita Puriņa
Annually increasingly all over the world is observed growing tendency to reduce the production of various products containing non-renewable component and replace them with natural fiber raw materials for textile and non-textile products as well. One of such raw materials is hemp. This paper discusses comparative study results of testing local genotype „Purini“ and commercial available ES registered industrial hemp variety „Bialobrzeskie” (Poland) fibers which were grown in Latvia, year 2010th. Studies have been carried out for small fiber bundles to determine the durability properties of hemp fiber.
Atslēgas vārdi
hemp fibres, distribution, durability cycles, hemp variety, hemp line.
Freivalde, L., Kukle, S., Puplakse, V., Puriņa, B. Comparative Analysis of Hemp Fiber Grown in Year 2010th. No: Environment. Technology. Resources: Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Latvija, Rēzekne, 20.-22. jūnijs, 2011. Rēzekne: RA Izdevniecība, 2011, 340.-345.lpp. ISBN 978-9984-44-070-5. ISSN 1691-5402.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)