Microstructure-Based Modeling of Complex Permeability Spectra of Polycrystalline Ferrites
Abstract Book and Program of the International Conference on on Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM20) 2011
Jānis Jankovskis

In the modeling of complex initial permeability of polycrystalline ferrites the definite sample is characterized with its microstructure: the average grain size and log-normal distribution of sizes. Grains are assumed as statistically independent objects in the averaging process of their magnetic characteristics (that for current size grain is assigned on the analogy with ones of actual samples). Distribution of resonators – oscillating domain walls in grains naturally explains resonance or relaxation character of spectrum (as a particular inhomogeneous spectral broadening) but statistical averaging of permeability of grains results in analytic relation for frequency dependence of absorption component of permeability, unveiling the main effects of microstructure.

Atslēgas vārdi
Complex initial permeability, Kramers-Kronig relations, microstructure, polycrystalline ferrites.

Jankovskis, J. Microstructure-Based Modeling of Complex Permeability Spectra of Polycrystalline Ferrites. No: Abstract Book and Program of the International Conference on on Soft Magnetic Materials (SMM20), Grieķija, Kos, 18.-22. septembris, 2011. Piraeus: X. Mpenou, 2011, 243.-243.lpp. ISBN 978-960-9534-14-7.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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