In order to manage IS changes in organizations there are used methods of management changes. In solving the problems or defining the next steps the methods are based on the previous experience, personal skills or teamwork not on the conceptual approach. Wherewith the result is mainly solution of a certain organisation’s problem not the analysis of all possible changes that are required at the moment and that would be necessary also in the future. The organisations would be more competitive if they could identify the possible and necessary IS changes in time, before the problems raised. Also not of the secondary importance is to consider changes in the unified system that is reposed on the method not only on the personal skills and experience. Therefore in the work there is given a research with a developed methodology that examines IS changes as a set of nine elements with defined valuables for each of the elements and correlation among them. There were identified the three dominant IS changes patterns. Thus by knowing the IS dominant patterns and the possible options for each of the IS characteristic elements changes it is possible to simulate IS changes and to make their analysis.