Latvia is famous for its forests and natural grasslands, the Baltic Sea coast and wetlands. In particular, it boasts with a beautiful country estate parks, household's decorative gardens and urban tree avenues. It provides to Latvia the special attraction. In Latvia the same as in the world the preservation of the natural wealth for present and future generations is recognized as one of the priorities in area of nature protection. Taking into account an actuality of the appreciation of the natural wealth of Latvia as well as its reasonable use in the context of sustainable development the following aim is defined to the scientific paper – to provide research in area of the interaction development between urban and rural areas in the context of preservation of the Latvian natural diversity. The study is based on the following research methods – historical method, monographic and logically constructive method, analysis and synthesis method, research of the legislative acts and experts' opinion assessment. Consequently the study of the preconditions of the conservation of the Latvian natural diversity in the context of the interaction development between urban and rural areas is provided.