The topicality of the study on land management system and its sustainability dimension is determined by the globalisation tendencies of the global economy and the reduction of the reproductive capacity of renewable natural resources. The land management system must be sufficiently flexible so that it could constantly adapt to the changeable internal and external environment. In comparison with other economic resources, land is characterised by several unique features, quantitative and qualitative aspects of which are incorporated in the land management system. The study is even more topical because the significance of the State in improvement of land use in Latvia is more topical in comparison with more developed European countries. Yet land use in Latvia formally conforms to the sustainable development guidelines – the renewable biological resources created by productive soil, waters, and terrain and environment appropriate for living creatures are not utilised within a year in Latvia. Latvia may lose this advantage if a sustainable land management system is not established and implemented, ensuring not only resources for economic activity of people, used not only for satisfying the public needs, but also serving as a living space for the preservation of the diversity of species and the preservation and increasing of the capacity of biological resources to recover. Within the scope of the study a justification for a sustainable land management system is developed with 4 dominating pillars – economic, social, ecological and institution pillar. The paper mostly deals with institutional aspects of sustainable land management, the most important levels of land management are identified and analytical evaluation of their interrelation is performed.