Mechanical Properties Characterization of Composites Reinforced by Knitted Fabrics
15th International Conference „Experimental Mechanics (New Trends and Perspectives (ICEM15)”: Conference Proceedings
Andrejs Krasņikovs,
Olga Kononova,
Gaļina Harjkova,
Jevgeņijs Zaļeskis,
Vitālijs Lūsis,
Vitālijs Zaharevskis,
Sandris Ručevskis
Polymer and concrete matrix composites reinforced by knitted fabric were investigated. Such materials are mechanically non-linear with a high dynamic energy absorption possibility. Precise mechanical properties appreciation and prediction are important for materials use in novel structures. Three different approaches were executed - numerical (FEM, using Solid Works software) structural modeling based on reinforcement and matrix mechanical and geometrical properties (were measured experimentally), direct experimental mechanical properties measurements and inverse method approach for mechanical properties appreciation, based on vibrations modal analysis. All tree approaches results (for polymer matrix composites) were compared and comparison results were discussed. For concrete matrix composites only first two approaches were executed and were discussed.
Atslēgas vārdi
textile composites, weft knitted fabric, mechanical properties
Krasņikovs, A., Kononova, O., Harjkova, G., Zaļeskis, J., Lūsis, V., Zaharevskis, V., Ručevskis, S. Mechanical Properties Characterization of Composites Reinforced by Knitted Fabrics. No: 15th International Conference „Experimental Mechanics (New Trends and Perspectives (ICEM15)”: Conference Proceedings, Portugāle, Porto, 22.-27. jūlijs, 2012. Porto: INEGI – Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management, 2012, 753.-754.lpp. ISBN 978-972-8826-25-3.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)