The Analogous Workplace Method in Road Construction and Maintenance Enterprises
Jānis Ieviņš, Jānis Šiliņš, Ansis Meļko

The working environment typical of the industry of road maintenance is characterised by constantly changeable workplaces at different objects, great number of heavy machinery and equipment. For employees’ training to be more effective, the authors propose, on the basis of analysis of workers’ survey results and the analysis of working environment risks, to combine into groups the workplaces, where the factors of working environment risk are identical (analogous) in this way reducing the volume of documentation and information every employee should get acquainted with.

Atslēgas vārdi
labour protection, internal monitoring of working environment, analogous workplaces

Ieviņš, J., Šiliņš, J., Meļko, A. The Analogous Workplace Method in Road Construction and Maintenance Enterprises. Tehnogēnās vides drošība. Nr.3, 2012, 14.-18.lpp. ISSN 2255-6923. e-ISSN 2255-8702.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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