On Integration of Multi-Point Improvements
NIPS 2012 Workshop on Bayesian Optimization and Decision Making 2012
Ramunas Girdziusas, Jānis Januševskis, Rodolphe Le Riche

Kriging with maximization of a multi-point expected improvement presents an interesting direction in the parallel budgeted optimization. However, this statistical criterion is a difficult-to-evaluate integral, and all the presently available methods are either extremely slow or not accurate enough. We introduce an extremely simple and fast integration method which is also accurate when the covariance matrices of kriging responses are diagonally-dominant, a frequently occuring case in practice. In addition, we state preliminary results with a novel importance sampling method which is developed as a more accurate alternative to theMonte Carlo based methods. Our tests are carefully designed to represent early and late stages of a budgeted optimization. We emphasize that integrating 4-variate functions can be extremely challenging.

Atslēgas vārdi
Bayesian Optimization

Girdziusas, R., Januševskis, J., Le Riche, R. On Integration of Multi-Point Improvements. No: NIPS 2012 Workshop on Bayesian Optimization and Decision Making, Amerikas savienotās valstis, Lake Tahoe, 3.-9. decembris, 2012. Web: 2012, 1.-5.lpp.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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