Correlation Analysis of Taekwon-do Sportsmen’s Kick Biomechanical and Anthropometric Parameters
Abstracts of the 5th Baltic Sport Science Conference “Current Issues and New Ideas in Sport Science”
Sergejs Saulīte,
Leonīds Čupriks,
Veronika Fedotova,
Māris Lesčinskis,
F Fjodorovs
The results of this study had shown that the kicking speed depends on biomechanical structure of the movement as well as anthropometric features of the athletes. Therefore determination of optimal biomechanical structure of the kicks with regard to individual particularities of the athletes promotes more effective planning and implementation of the training process.
Atslēgas vārdi
takwondo ITF, kicking biomechanics, anthropometry
Saulite, S., Čupriks, L., Fedotova, V., Lesčinskis, M., Fjodorovs, F. Correlation Analysis of Taekwon-do Sportsmen’s Kick Biomechanical and Anthropometric Parameters. No: Abstracts of the 5th Baltic Sport Science Conference “Current Issues and New Ideas in Sport Science”: 5th Baltic Sport Science Conference “Current Issues and New Ideas in Sport Science”, Lietuva, Kauņa, 18.-19. aprīlis, 2012. Kaunas: Lietuvas kūno kultūros akademija, 2012, 189.-189.lpp. ISBN 9786098040708.
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English (en)