DFHRS-Based Computation of Quasi-Geoid of Latvia
Geodesy and Cartography 2013
Inese Vārna, Reiner Jaeger, Ghadi Younis, Jānis Kaminskis, Ansis Zariņš

In geodesy, civil engineering and related fields high accuracy coordinate determination is needed, for that reason GNSS technologies plays important role. Transformation from GNSS derived ellipsoidal heights to orthometric or normal heights requires a high accuracy geoid or quasi-geoid model, respectively the accuracy of the currently used Latvian gravimetric quasi-geoid model LV'98 is 6–8 cm. The objective of this work was to calculate an improved quasi-geoid (QGeoid) for Latvia. The computation was performed by applying the DFHRS software. This paper discusses obtained geoid height reference surface, its comparisons to other geoid models, fitting point statistics and quality control based on independent measurements.

Atslēgas vārdi
Geoid/Quasi-Geoid-Computation, GNSS Height Determination, Levelling

Janpaule, I., Jaeger, R., Younis, G., Kaminskis, J., Zariņš, A. DFHRS-Based Computation of Quasi-Geoid of Latvia. Geodesy and Cartography, 2013, Vol.39, Iss.1, 11.-17.lpp. ISSN 2029-6991.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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