Single Robot Localisation Approach for Indoor Robotic Systems through Integration of Odometry and Artificial Landmarks
Agris Ņikitenko, Aleksis Liekna, Mārtiņš Ekmanis, Guntis Kuļikovskis, Ilze Andersone

we present an integrated approach for robot localization that allows to integrate for the artificial landmark localization data with odometric sensors and signal transfer function data to provide means for different practical application scenarios. The sensor data fusion deals with asynchronous sensor data using inverse Laplace transform. We demonstrate a simulation software system that ensures smooth integration of the odometry-based and signal transfer – based localization into one approach.

Atslēgas vārdi
robotics, single robot systems, robot localization

Ņikitenko, A., Liekna, A., Ekmanis, M., Kuļikovskis, G., Andersone, I. Single Robot Localisation Approach for Indoor Robotic Systems through Integration of Odometry and Artificial Landmarks. Lietišķās datorsistēmas. Nr.14, 2013, 50.-58.lpp. ISSN 22558683.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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