Ceiling Panels Radiant Heating Systems
Indoor Air and Envionment Quality
Andris Krēsliņš,
Jeļena Tihana,
Dmitrijs Ivancovs,
Baiba Gaujēna
Radiant panel heating systems are widely used for different kind of buildings, both commercial and residental. The aim of publication is to identify advantages and disadventeges of heating system technical design for industrial buildings and to prove that heatind systems with low temperature of heat carrier could provide design comfort temperature in transient season (before and after heating season), when sharp changes of outdoor temperature are typical.
Atslēgas vārdi
radiant panel heating systems, low temperature of heat carrier
Krēsliņš, A., Pšeņičnaja, J., Ivancovs, D., Gaujēna, B. Ceiling Panels Radiant Heating Systems. No: Indoor Air and Envionment Quality: XI Studying Conference, Vjetnama, Hanoi, 23. Mar-5. Apr., 2013. Volgograd: 2013, 246.-253.lpp. ISBN 9785982765512.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)