Insulation of Flexible Light Emitting Display for Smart Clothing
Proceedings of International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials
Inese Kašurina,
Ausma Viļumsone
During research textile circuits’ insulation with three different silicon materials and one polyurethane film was done. For test samples textile circuits were used with sewn / woven conductive yarns and attached light emitting diodes (LEDs). Electrical properties were evaluated with measurements of emitted light intensity and electrical resistance before and after insulation and after washing. Given methods further can be used for other electronic components or circuits insulation on textile, that can contribute smart textile / clothing technology development and improvement.
Atslēgas vārdi
illuminated textile, smart textile, flexible LED display, insulation
Kašurina, I., Viļumsone, A. Insulation of Flexible Light Emitting Display for Smart Clothing. No: Proceedings of International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials, Itālija, Sjēna, 4.-6. jūnijs, 2013. Southampton: Wessex Institute of Technology, 2014, 1.-12.lpp. ISSN 1746-4498. e-ISSN 1743-3509.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)