High-Reliability Brushless Synchronous Motors for Hand Tools and Household Appliances
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
Nikolajs Levins,
Vladislavs Pugačevs,
Jānis Dainis Dirba,
Ludmila Lavrinoviča
The paper presents an overview of brushless electric motors used in hand electric tools and household appliances. Analysis of the motor types has shown that synchronous reluctance motors are the most reliable for low-power drives of such tools and appliances due to their simple design, long service life and low cost of production. Solutions are proposed for significant decrease in the quadrature-axis magnetic flux of the synchronous reluctance motor.. The motors are shown to develop the specific electromagnetic torque up to 0.35÷0.4 Nm/kg.
Atslēgas vārdi
brushless synchronous motor, electromagnetic torque, household appliances, hand tools
Levins, N., Pugačevs, V., Dirba, J., Lavrinoviča, L. High-Reliability Brushless Synchronous Motors for Hand Tools and Household Appliances. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2013, Vol.50, Iss.3, 3.-11.lpp. ISSN 0868-8257. Pieejams: doi:10.2478/lpts-2013-0015
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English (en)