Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Redox Initiated Process and Preparation of Their Polymeric Nanocomposites
5th Baltic Conference on Silicate Materials: Book of Abstracts
Inna Juhņeviča,
Marija Mašonkina,
Aļona Gabrene,
Jānis Klindžāns,
Artūrs Plūdons,
Sergejs Gaidukovs
The ability of silver nanoparticles to interact efficiently with photons is of high interest in last years and also for obtaining the efficient and selected electrical and optical properties for application in the medicine and production of microelectronic and optical elements. However, zinc oxide is piezoelectric, transparent, semiconducting oxide with a wide direct band gap 3,37 eV and large excition binding energy of 60 meV.
Atslēgas vārdi
silver nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles, redox process, sol-gel
Juhņeviča, I., Mašonkina, M., Gabrene, A., Klindžāns, J., Plūdons, A., Gaidukovs, S. Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Redox Initiated Process and Preparation of Their Polymeric Nanocomposites. No: 5th Baltic Conference on Silicate Materials: Book of Abstracts, Latvija, Riga, 23.-25. maijs, 2011. Rīga: RTU Publishing House, 2011, 72.-73.lpp. ISSN 2243-6057.
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English (en)