In spite of the high success in understanding of human cells interaction with bone replacing bioimplants in a human there are still biocompatibly problems. These often are connected with eligible human cells incapability for attachments to the implant surface that influence regeneration of bone tissue. Following the general adhesion theory attachment of the cell to the bioimplant is controlled in particulary by an electrostatic force contributing interaction between the cell and the implant. Generally the electrical communication could be engineered owing to a surface electrical potential of the implant. The potential could be supplied by the both external sources and the surface itself. Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is the popular material for the bioimplants. The technologies that are typically in use to engineer the electrical charge of the HAP employ its electrical polarization due to the external electrical field or because of radiation. In both cases the opposite surfaces of the HAP based implant are acquiring the unlike (in sign) charges. Therefore differently charged implant surfaces could induce cell processes in the opposite directions, that is undesirable. Therefore the considered technologies are restricted. However to reach the uniformity of the electrical charge distribution a reconstruction of the HAP ion subsystem of the entire surface layer could provide polarization vectored from/to the bulk. By this way the uninformety of the charge distribution could be reached. To improve biocompatibility and stability of HAP properties the doping is applied. The article is targeted to demonstrate a possibility of technology for electrically functionalization of the surfaces of differently doped HAP (Ar, Sr, Si).