Decision Making Support for the Choice of a Controlled Pump Drive in the Project of Water Supply System Renovation
Alīna Galkina, Leonīds Ribickis, Nadežda Kuņicina, Jeļena Čaiko

The problem of renovation of the electric drive pump stations is highly actual in Latvia. In particular, in Riga the operation of major pump stations is economically unprofitable. The renovation is a long-term project, whose results will be seen in the future. Therefore, it is of importance to choose such a type of the pump regulation that will be effective in perspective, taking into account the capital and maintenance expenses. The paper describes a decision making procedure for the choice of a controlled pump drive in the project of water supply system renovation. The procedure involves improvement of the efficiency of electric energy use within the system. The authors propose a method for calculation of the electric energy consumption by pump drives in the cases of valve regulation of a drive as compared with the speed regulation using a frequency converter, which allows a smooth control of voltage and frequency thus changing the water feed. The results are demonstrated in the diagrams. For calculation, the Zolitude (Riga) pump station was taken. The results of calculation can be used for elaboration of the procedure of decision making on the choice of a water pump station based on the economic comparison in medium- and long-terms.

Atslēgas vārdi
water pump station, decision making, decision support system, electrical drives

Galkina, A., Ribickis, L., Kuņicina, N., Čaiko, J. Decision Making Support for the Choice of a Controlled Pump Drive in the Project of Water Supply System Renovation. Enerģētika un elektrotehnika. Nr.20, 2007, 234.-242.lpp. ISSN 14077345.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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