Earth’s Surface Movements in Latvia
The 72nd Annual Scientific Conference of University of Latvia. Section: the Project „FOTONIKA-LV – FP7-REGPOT-CT-2011-285912” – the Second Year Scientific Outcomes: Book of Abstracts
Diāna Haritonova,
Jānis Balodis,
Inese Vārna,
Izolde Jumare,
Madara Normanda
The analysis of possible dependences between changes of GNSS station positions and different impact sources has been performed. The main factors which have been suspected are reference station problems, soil moisture content changes, and seismic activity of some areas of Latvia with local engineering-geological conditions which may increase the Earth’s surface oscillations. As well as the impact of solid Earth tides and solar activity has been considered. The principal focus is on the site displacement identification excluding noises of obtained GNSS time series.
Atslēgas vārdi
GNSS, permanent networks, time series analysis
Haritonova, D., Balodis, J., Janpaule, I., Jumare, I., Normanda, M. Earth’s Surface Movements in Latvia. No: The 72nd Annual Scientific Conference of University of Latvia. Section: the Project „FOTONIKA-LV – FP7-REGPOT-CT-2011-285912” – the Second Year Scientific Outcomes: Book of Abstracts, Latvija, Rīga, 7.-7. februāris, 2014. Riga: University of Latvia, 2014, 47.-47.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)