Decomposition Analysis Based on IPAT and Kaya Identity for Assessment of Hazardous Waste Flow within Enterprise
27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems: Conference Proceedings 2014
Lelde Timma, Jānis Vilgerts, Ruta Vanaga, Kaspars Kļavenieks, Dagnija Blumberga

Much research in recent years has been done on sustainable hazardous waste management system, nevertheless the amounts of hazardous waste generated increases. The major share of these hazardous substances is a product of activities within NACE sectors. By now there are few studies trying to bring the problem of waste elimination down to the level of a single enterprise. This paper proposes the methodology for assessment of changes for the aggregate of hazardous waste flow at enterprise level due to relative impact of investigated factors, such as hazardous waste intensity, material intensity and the amount of raw material consumed in enterprise. The use of derivatives from IPAT and Kaya identities together with logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition analysis is presented. Based on the proposed methodology case studies at enterprise level can be done in order to explore a cause in the aggregate changes in the past, present the forecast model for future trends, and also identify leverage points for intervention of policy tools with the aim to reduce the amount of hazardous waste. This research is the first attempt to link together government initiatives and hazardous waste flow at enterprise level based on quantitative indices.

Atslēgas vārdi
Decomposition analysis, Kaya identity, Divisia index, LMDI, IPAT identity, Hazardous waste

Timma, L., Vilgerts, J., Vanaga, R., Kļavenieks, K., Blumberga, D. Decomposition Analysis Based on IPAT and Kaya Identity for Assessment of Hazardous Waste Flow within Enterprise. No: 27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems: Conference Proceedings, Somija, Turku, 15.-19. jūnijs, 2014. Turku: 2014, 1.-7.lpp.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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