Analytical Treatment of Forecasts of Electric Energy Consumption in Latvia
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
Māris Balodis,
Jānis Andersons,
Valdis Gavars
In the paper, the changes in electric energy consumption are analyzed as associated with structural changes in the Latvian economy of postsocialistic period. To the analysis, a particular approach is applied, which consists in comparison of the basic and specific electricity consumption indices in West-, Central-, and East-European states for the time span of 1990-2010, with differences and tendencies of changes revealed. Tendencies of the type are determined for the electric energy consumption in Latvia, and recommendations are given for the use of such indices in the relevant forecasts.
Atslēgas vārdi
electricity consumption forecasts; electricity consumption in Latvia; electricity consumption in EU states; basic and specific indices
Balodis, M., Andersons, J., Gavars, V. Analytical Treatment of Forecasts of Electric Energy Consumption in Latvia. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2014, Vol.51, Iss.3, 3.-14.lpp. ISSN 0868-8259. Pieejams: doi:10.2478/lpts-2014-0015
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