Variation of Characteristics of Vibropressed Concrete Pavement Blocks
Gintautas Skripkiūnas, Giedrius Girskas, Jurgita Malaiškienė, Evaldas Šemelis

Concrete pavement blocks were formed and the following properties were investigated after 7 days of curing: density, tensile splitting strength, freezing-thawing resistance, using de-icing salts in one-sided way, and abrasion resistance. The scattering of the values of density and tensile splitting strength of the concrete pavement blocks in the pallet during the process of manufacture was examined. It was determined that the values of density and splitting tensile strength were similar in the diagonals of the pallet. Bigger changes were seen on the edges of the tray. The variation coefficients of the examined properties ranged from 0.5 % to 15.6 %. The biggest scattering of research results was noted in strength.

Atslēgas vārdi
concrete pavement blocks, density, tensile strength, statistical analysis

Skripkiūnas, G., Girskas, G., Malaiškienė, J., Šemelis, E. Variation of Characteristics of Vibropressed Concrete Pavement Blocks. Construction Science. Nr.15, 2014, 24.-28.lpp. ISSN 1407-7329. e-ISSN 2255-8551.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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