The Ghosting Defect as the Result of Interaction of the Paper and Printing Inks, its Preclusion Possibilities in the Sheet- Fet Offset Printing Technology
Atslēgas vārdi ghosting defect, sheet offset printing, the interaction of paper, printing ink, varnish, physical and chemical properties , experimental printing
Vanaga, D., Kalniņš, M., Treimanis, A., Grinfelds, U. The Ghosting Defect as the Result of Interaction of the Paper and Printing Inks, its Preclusion Possibilities in the Sheet- Fet Offset Printing Technology. No: Abstracts of Riga Technical University 55th International Scientific Conference. Section: Material Science and Applied Chemistry, Latvija, Rīga, 14.-17. oktobris, 2014. Riga: RTU Press, 2014, 63.-63.lpp. ISBN 978-9934-10-592-0.
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