The Development of Retail Store Types in the Context of Region and Consumer Behaviour
Regional Formation and Development Studies
Ieva Andersone,
Rita Greitāne
The aim of the article is to analyze the prevalence of retail stores in Latvian regions and consumer behavior in Latvia. The authors have analyzed the prevalence of largest retail stores in regions and consumer behavior in retail using available statistical data and research done by the authors. As a result of the study, the role of shop assistants was determined during the purchasing process, and the results of the study have been compiled from the viewpoint of generations. These results can help retail companies to work more effectively by choosing the most appropriate retail store types
Atslēgas vārdi
Consumer behavior, Retailing, Retail store types, Generation
Andersone, I., Greitāne, R. The Development of Retail Store Types in the Context of Region and Consumer Behaviour. Regional Formation and Development Studies, 2014, Vol.14, No.3, 7.-15.lpp. ISSN 2029-9370. Pieejams: doi:10.15181/rfds.v14i3.859
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English (en)