The Role of Green Infrastructure to Improve Air Quality
Abstracts of 55th International Scientific Conference: Subsection: Environmental and Climate Technologies
Līga Lieplapa,
Mārtiņš Gedrovičs,
Vera Suzdaļenko
The aim of the paper is to analyze the role of green infrastructure to improve air quality in order to support the implementation of climate change mitigation strategies and to integrate in land use planning documents. The paper will review the research and literature on green infrastructures as a tool to improve air quality.
Atslēgas vārdi
green infrastructure, ecosystem service, air quality, CO2.
Lieplapa, L., Gedrovičs, M., Suzdaļenko, V. The Role of Green Infrastructure to Improve Air Quality. No: Abstracts of 55th International Scientific Conference: Subsection: Environmental and Climate Technologies, Latvija, Rīga, 14.-15. oktobris, 2014. Riga: RTU Press, 2014, 44.-44.lpp. ISBN 978-9934-10-612-5.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)