The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an industrial standard for object-oriented software specification, which offers notational conventions for system modeling at the initial stage of software development. An actual problem is to develop a tool available for automatic generation of UML diagram from some form of the problem domain description. Authors have been introduced such a tool, called BrainTool and developed by a research group in Riga Technical University. BrainTool supports transformation of the problem domain presented as two-hemisphere model into several kinds of UML diagrams and give an ability to export these diagrams for further software development into UML compatible modeling tools and IDEs. Present paper demonstrates the comparison results of the manual UML class diagram creation for an abstract example of the football game simulation to the UML class diagram received by application of BrainTool for the same game basic scenario. These comparison results give a basis for discussion about possible improvements of the transformations offered by two-hemisphere model and potentially “richer” usage of the model for generation of the UML diagrams suitable for further software development