Transnational Comparative Study on the Math Educational Needs in Baltic States
Anna Vintere, Ilze Balode, Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Daiva Rimkuviene, Eve Aruvee, Erge Ideon

Monograph "Transnational Comparative Study on the Math Educational Needs in Baltic States" was prepared in the framework Nordic Council of Ministers educational programme NORDPLUS. Researchers from five universities (Latvia University of Agriculture Ventspils University College, Riga Technical University, Estonian University of Life Science and Aleksandras Stulginskis University) working together has shared their research and practical experience in the field of mathematic competence development in the Baltic States. The main objectives of the research were activate the role of mathematics in the lifelong context and discuss how to improve/ disseminate mathematics competence in society by identifying the fields of the math educational needs (by education, age structure, competence field, company profile, ...) and basic issues of the mathematics continuing education organization as well as evaluating the role of mathematics in professional/ personal development.

Atslēgas vārdi
Mathematics, mathematical competence, professional qualification, mathematical thinking.

Vintere, A., Balode, I., Čerņajeva, S., Rimkuviene, D., Aruvee, E., Ideon, E. Transnational Comparative Study on the Math Educational Needs in Baltic States. Latvia - Lithuania - Estonia: 2014. 131 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-14-303-8.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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