The Latvian Experience and Problems of the Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in the Power System
2005 IEEE Russia Power Tech
Antans Sauļus Sauhats,
Vladimirs Čuvičins,
Nikolajs Gurovs,
Vadims Strelkovs,
Inesa Svalova,
Andrejs Svalovs,
Oļegs Linkevičs,
Jurijs Rivkins
This paper considers development trends and perspectives for widespread implementation of distributed generation, based on renewable energy sources (RES) in the Baltic States. The main issue of the research is integration of RES into the power grid and electricity markets. Paper provides an overview of legislative statements and main rules, which regulates formal relationships between power producers using RES and network operators. Major problems and barriers that limit intensive development of RES are identified and possible solutions to overcome them are proposed.
Atslēgas vārdi
distributed energy sources (DER), distributed generation (DG), grid and market integration, renewable energy sources (RES)
Sauhats, A., Čuvičins, V., Gurovs, N., Strelkovs, V., Svalova, I., Svalovs, A., Linkevičs, O., Rivkins, J. The Latvian Experience and Problems of the Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in the Power System. No: 2005 IEEE Russia Power Tech, Krievija, St. Petersburg, 27.-30. jūnijs, 2005. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2005, 1.-7.lpp. ISBN 978-5-93208-034-4. e-ISBN 978-5-93208-034-4. Pieejams: doi:10.1109/PTC.2005.4524794
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)