It is difficult and time-consuming to migrate a legacy system to some new platform or integrate it with other software system manually. High-level abstract models (domain models) of the existing software system must be got for further merging with new domain models. TFM4MDA (Topological Functioning Modeling for Model Driven Architecture) is an approach for software development from the high level of abstraction to the lower levels. The formal TFM (Topological Functioning Model) for software system analysis can be obtained stepwise from the low levels using RE (Reverse Engineering) techniques. The algorithm for transformation from UML sequence diagrams to the TFM is suggested in this research. It is based on the previous research results. Additional information about other approaches such as MDRE (Model-Driven Reverse Engineering) and ADM (Architecture Driven Modernization) is overviewed in order to use it for further analysis and full formalization of the transformation considered in our work.