Evaluation of Exhaust Gas Condensing Economizer Installation at Riga CHP Plants
Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference 2015
Āris Žīgurs,
Māris Kuņickis,
Oļegs Linkevičs,
Ilmārs Stuklis,
Poļina Ivanova,
Māris Balodis
This research provides the evaluation of different projects on exhaust gas condensing economizer installation at Riga CHP plants No. 1 and No. 2. Two projects were investigated for CHPP No. 1 and three projects – for CHPP No. 2. To estimate the projects, firstly, the water heating boiler operation data were analyzed. According to the analysis, the production programmes of projects were developed. Then the economic indicators of the projects were calculated and sensitivity analysis was performed. As a result, the best project of exhaust gas condensing economizer installation at Riga CHP plants was chosen for CHPP No. 1 and CHPP No. 2.
Atslēgas vārdi
CHP plant, dew point, exhaust gas, condensing economizer, latent heat, water heating boiler.
Žīgurs, Ā., Kuņickis, M., Linkevičs, O., Stuklis, I., Ivanova, P., Balodis, M. Evaluation of Exhaust Gas Condensing Economizer Installation at Riga CHP Plants. No: Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference 2015, Latvija, Rīga, 6.-9. maijs, 2015. Rīga: RTU Press, 2015, 149.-154.lpp. ISBN 978-9934-10-685-9. e-ISBN 978-9934-10-717-7. Pieejams: doi:10.7250/rehvaconf.2015.021
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)