Absorption and Scatter Properties of Tungsten Structured Composite Material
IFMBE Proceedings. Vol.50: First European Biomedical Engineering Conference for Young Investigators (ENCY2015)
Gaļina Boka,
E Reine,
Anete Svarca,
Māris Kuzminskis,
Sandra Bikova,
Y Bauman,
Jurijs Dehtjars
Work was studied in the composite material (tungsten and ceresin composite material) absorption and scattering characteristics as well as comparison with until now used Bi-Sn-Pb compound. The hypothesis is that this type of composite material can be used as a substitute for metal alloy in radiation therapy. The aim is to determine the absorption and scatter of the composite, as well as to find out whether this kind of material can be applied to radiation therapy.
Atslēgas vārdi
tungsten, radiation shielding, electron beam, ionizing radiation
Boka, G., Reine, E., Svarca, A., Kuzminskis, M., Bikova, S., Bauman, Y., Dehtjars, J. Absorption and Scatter Properties of Tungsten Structured Composite Material. No: IFMBE Proceedings. Vol.50: First European Biomedical Engineering Conference for Young Investigators (ENCY2015), Ungārija, Budapest, 28.-30. maijs, 2015. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2015, 60.-62.lpp. ISBN 978-981-287-572-3. e-ISBN 978-981-287-573-0. ISSN 1680-0737. e-ISSN 1433-9277. Pieejams: doi:10.1007/978-981-287-573-0_15
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)