In the present article we have reflected and compared the results of our investigations on indoor air quality (IAQ) in relationship with heat energy consumption in unrenovated, renovated and newly erected kindergarten buildings. Latvian Energy Development Guidelines for the years 2007-2016 define that heat energy consumption should decrease by 28%, but by 40 % in the time period up the year 2020. Big heat energy demand in buildings is part of Latvia’s heritage from the Soviet era. The majority of buildings do not have energy saving mechanical ventilation systems. Our analysis shows, that partial renovation: heat insulation of buildings with windows change, does not give heat energy consumption economy as established. Another target of this study was to evaluate indoor air pollution in kindergartens. Various indoor air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) and biological pollutants, emitted from furniture, cleaning agents and floor covering materials, are responsible for respiratory diseases and allergies.