Preparation and Properties of Gadolinium/Noble Metal Fine Particle Compounds
Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference "Fundamental and Applied MHD"
Gunārs Kroņkalns,
Elmars Blums,
M.M. Maiorov,
Vera Serga,
Aija Krūmiņa
In this work, fine Gd/Pt and Gd/Ag compositeshave been produced by the pyrolysis of organic compounds of noble metals in the presence of fine powder of gadolinium with the aim to produce a materialwith a tunable Curie temperature and good stability to oxidation. The dependence of the composite physical properties on the morphology, content and size of noble metals was studied. The phase composition, the size and the magnetic properties of all samples were investigated using an X-ray diffractometer and a vibrating sample magnetometer. The study shows that the magnetic ordering temperature can be varied over abroad range by adjusting the composition of the constituent compound.
Atslēgas vārdi
Curie temperature, gadolinium/noble metal compounds, magnetic properties
Kroņkalns, G., Blums, E., Maiorov, M., Serga, V., Krūmiņa, A. Preparation and Properties of Gadolinium/Noble Metal Fine Particle Compounds. No: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference "Fundamental and Applied MHD", Itālija, Cagliari, 20.-24. jūnijs, 2016. Cagliari: University of Cagliari, 2016, 496.-500.lpp. ISBN 978-88-90551-93-2.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)