Numerical Modeling of Cross-Flow Induced Vibrations on Circular Cylinder at High Reynolds Number
3rd International Conference on Optimization and Analysis of Structures (OAS 2015): Conference Book
Sabīne Upnere,
Normunds Jēkabsons
The flow around cylinder has been extensively investigated because of its wide applications in civil engineering, such as offshore structures, tall towers or stacks or nuclear
reactors. The high velocity fluid flow interaction with structural components can induces self-excited vibrations of the components. The fluidelastic instability can lead to the maintenance and operational problems. In order to analyzed flow induced vibration two-dimensional and three-dimensional
Finite Element Models have been developed using commercial software. Comparison of numerical and analytical results have been done.
Atslēgas vārdi
Flow-induced vibrations, high Reynolds number flow, circular cylinder
Upnere, S., Jēkabsons, N. Numerical Modeling of Cross-Flow Induced Vibrations on Circular Cylinder at High Reynolds Number. No: 3rd International Conference on Optimization and Analysis of Structures (OAS 2015): Conference Book, Igaunija, Tartu, 23.-25. augusts, 2015. Tartu: University of Tartu, 2015, 135.-135.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)