Hemp Fibre Nonwovens Modified with Metal and Their Oxides’ Nanoparticles
Abstracts of the Riga Technical University 56th International Scientific Conference : Section: Materials Science and Applied Chemistry 2015
Uļjana Iļjina, Ilze Baltiņa, Andrejs Lūsis

The hemp fibre nonwovens changes in electrical properties after application of metals and their oxides nanoparticles have been studied. The obtained results are compared with the previous research data based on metalized textile bast fibres’ testing results.

Atslēgas vārdi
hemp fibres, nonwovens, metal coatings, thermogravimetry, impedance spectroscopy.

Iļjina, U., Baltiņa, I., Lūsis, A. Hemp Fibre Nonwovens Modified with Metal and Their Oxides’ Nanoparticles. No: Abstracts of the Riga Technical University 56th International Scientific Conference : Section: Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Latvija, Rīga, 14.-16. oktobris, 2015. Riga: RTU Press, 2015, 60.-60.lpp. ISBN 978-9934-10-733-7.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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