Synthesis and Properties of Magnetic Iron Oxide/Platinum Nanocomposites
Joint 12th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity and 9th International Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies": Book of Abstracts 2014
Vera Serga, M. Maiorov, L. Kulikova, Aija Krūmiņa, D. Karashanova


Atslēgas vārdi

Serga, V., Maiorov, M., Kulikova, L., Krūmiņa, A., Karashanova, D. Synthesis and Properties of Magnetic Iron Oxide/Platinum Nanocomposites. No: Joint 12th Russia/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity and 9th International Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies": Book of Abstracts, Latvija, Riga, 29. Sep-2. Okt., 2014. Riga: 2014, 308.-308.lpp. ISBN 978-9984-45-875-5.

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English (en)
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