In this paper we are investigating the performance of different optical modulation formats in WDM-PON transmission system. On-off keying non-return-to-zero (NRZ-OOK), NRZ differential phase shift keying (NRZ DPSK), return-to-zero DPSK (RZ-DPSK, carrier-suppressed RZ DPSK (CSRZ-DPSK) and duobinary (DB) are reviewed. The diversity of different broadband services offered to internet users today, causes growing of individual user demands to internet traffic. To satisfy these demands, capability of access network has to be increased. That is why the problem of increasing data capacity of access networks is actual for implementers of data transmission networks. Since WDM-PON is one of new and promising solutions for access networks, we are investigating it in this research. In its turn, the choice of right modulation format is one of the ways to increase a capacity of transmission network. We use maximal achievable reach demonstrated by each optical modulation format for performance evaluation. To determine maximal reach, we investigate the longest distance, which allows providing data transmission with bit error rate (BER) less than 10−9 for each modulation format. Our simulated WDM-PON system is 64 channel transmission system with 40 Gb/s speed, that corresponds to the requirements for next generation PON2 (NG-PON2). Our transmission system is based on arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) multiplexers and demultiplexers. We use dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) to improve signal quality. The simulations are implemented using OptSim 5.2 software. As a result, we figure out the modulation formats, which are able to provide maximal transmission distance in such way of WDM-PON system. In addition, we are comparing modulation formats in terms of BER simulating transmission over 40 km fiber span, according to NG-PON2 requirements.