Preparation and Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Based on Poly(Oxyethylene) / Nanocellulose / Carbon Nanoparticles Composites
Baltic Polymer Symposium 2016: Programme and Abstracts
N. Neibolts,
Aleksandra Jurķāne,
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Preparation and Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Based on Poly(Oxyethylene) / Nanocellulose / Carbon Nanoparticles Composites
Atslēgas vārdi
Polymer Electrolyte, Oxyethylene, Nanocellulose, Carbon Nanoparticles Composites
Neibolts, N., Jurķāne, A., Gaidukovs, S. Preparation and Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Based on Poly(Oxyethylene) / Nanocellulose / Carbon Nanoparticles Composites. No: Baltic Polymer Symposium 2016: Programme and Abstracts, Lietuva, Klaipeda, 21.-23. septembris, 2016. Kaunas: 2016, 12.-12.lpp. ISBN 978-609-02-1235-6.
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English (en)