Dispersion of Nanoparticles in Metals Using Pulsed Electromagnetic Interaction
Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference "Fundamental and Applied MHD"
Andris Bojarēvičs,
Imants Kaldre,
Toms Beinerts,
Ilmārs Grants,
Mikus Milgravis,
Matīss Kalvāns,
Gunter Gerbeth
This research work is done to investigate the possibilities how to mix and disperse ceramic nanoparticles in liquid metals and keep them dispersed during solidification. We investigate contactless electromagnetic methods to produce metal matrix nano-composites. Dispersed particles improves mechanical and thermal properties of the metals by refining metallic grains and limiting crack propagation. We use intensive electromagnetic interaction from capacitor bank discharge to create pressure oscillations liquid metal which induces acoustic cavitation which then causes intensive micro-scale jet which is able to break particle agglomerates.
Atslēgas vārdi
Acoustic cavitation, metal matrix nano-composites, pulsed magnetic field
Bojarēvičs, A., Kaldre, I., Beinerts, T., Grants, I., Milgravis, M., Kalvāns, M., Gerbeth, G. Dispersion of Nanoparticles in Metals Using Pulsed Electromagnetic Interaction. No: Proceedings of the 10th PAMIR International Conference "Fundamental and Applied MHD", Itālija, Cagliari, 20.-24. jūnijs, 2016. Cagliari: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. University of Cagliari, 2016, 361.-365.lpp. ISBN 978-88-90551-93-2.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)